Post by Azmina Govindji @AzminaNutrition
Did you know that there are two main types of fibre: soluble and insoluble fibre? Most fibre-rich foods will give you both types, but some foods are higher in one particular type. This post gives you 3 top tips on soluble fibre and how to get it onto your daily menu.
What’s soluble fibre?
This includes pectins which you get from fruit, and beta glucans which are found in oats and barley. In fact, if you eat 3g of beta glucans a day, it can help to reduce your blood cholesterol levels
3 ways to get soluble fibre:
Try muesli or porridge oats for breakfast.
Give your breakfast cereal or yogurt pot a boost by adding fruits high in pectin, such as chopped pear, plum or apple. Keep the skin on, so you get more fibre.
Choose to cook with barley. It’s wholesome and versatile. Add cooked barley to roasted vegetables and chunks of feta. Sprinkle on some smoked paprika for a vibrant twist.
Written by Azmina Govindji, Consultant Nutritionist & Registered Dietitian follow on IG & Twitter @azminanutrition